"I consulted with a Substack expert early on who told me if each time I published, my post didn’t bring in subscribers, it meant the writing was bad."

This is terrible advice. I am actually angry on your behalf. I've read lots of articles on here and elsewhere that I've shared to social media without subscribing.

Thank you for sharing your experience. The tips are helpful as always. but I am finding myself more and more disenchanted with Substack - the above statement, plus their lack of transparency regarding not allowing new sites to be indexed on Google. It's very frustrating and off-putting.

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Wow! Somehow just seeing this comment, but I agree with you on the disenchantment. I’d describe my status as “cooling.”

New Substacks are getting indexed. Your site map is created after your third post and you can link it in Google Search Console using a workaround. I’ve got a post that walks through it. I’ll grab a link in a few!

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Sorry I said third post incorrectly. It was after the fifth for me.

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I have a lot of compassion for you...and I totally agree! Popularity is about two things in my opinion: 1) Resonance 2) Pho Resonance

Authentic resonance is when what you write meets something alive in someone else - it speaks their truth or resonates something into the collective/individual's life that they go, "ah yes, there it is, that's what I was looking for...it was inside me all along and that is why I can see it/touch/feel it/name it when you write/express it as you do.

Pho Resonance is when influencers decide ahead time what they wish to do with our consciousness and who will purvey the desired direction...and it is close enough to true resonance that most people or at least a lot of people (until we all waky wake to discernment) opt in.

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This is super interesting. I have never heard of this idea of pho resonance. I’m still surprised about what does and doesn’t resonate with people as it relates to my personal writing (on behalf of someone else or in a business capacity).

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Yup, I totally feel you! What has been most interesting in your discovery? I can tell you for me, I love your vibe and I would subscribe if you wrote topics I wanted in my inbox everyday - I like YOU, but I'm not wanting to have diet/undiet topic in my inbox. If you wrote on topics of interest to me I would totally subscribe. I do have experience in your area of coverage, it just isn't where I'm wanting more information for myself as it's not a current thing for me. I haven't weighed myself in years, I eat what I want, I'm skinny, I'm still on a journey of the acceptance and self-love that underlay my early body dysmorphic disorder in order to avoid criticism from a skating coach, which was rooted in my father's criticism...but the food thing is just not how it expresses anymore. <3 <3 <3

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THAT!! All of it. Thank you, Cathi.

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It is easy to get discouraged when so many of the "Popular" substacks are on topics like writing, business, solopreneurship, or are authored by a quasi-famous person and you write for a different niche. It can make you feel like something is wrong with you [or your writing... or both! lol] Thank you for writing about your learnings on your journey!

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It's also just so important to remember that we are all starting from different places. Some of us have been putting in the work along time. Others are just at the beginning. And the pace of progress varies ALL THE TIME. I'm really working on just being the best I can be in my little sphere of influence in the moment.

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“We cannot control outcomes. We can only control our inputs and actions.” 💯 it’s easy to lose sight of this and it’s easy to get discouraged when the outcomes don’t match the inputs and actions. Great article - your lessons and observations are spot on. Thanks for sharing!

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I'm glad you found them helpful!

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I'm so glad I was able to help out a little in the beginning. We helped each other out, honestly, and I was very glad to connect! Now I'm glad to see you finding a very powerful and consistent voice. <3

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Thank you, my friend.

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same boat with you two, founding friends ;)

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Such a refreshing point of view. And very sensible one too. So appreciate you and the connection we’ve made on this platform.

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Great insights especially for putting your finger on sticking beliefs. I’m new at Substack (only 3 essays), I’m not consistent (I need to commit more to myself with this), I don’t have a niche (I certainly should) and engagement is sparse, I still try to figure out the functionalities of the platform but the most important, success is not my top priority. I don’t understand why it is for people starting from a real 0.

Success, 6 figure business is all everyone talks about as if this was the only way to live a happy life. So disappointing. I wonder what kind of message we teach our kids with this way of thinking 🤔

There is so much to learn before success ! You perfectly explain all the tests, the ups and downs while putting the work and still you are not on the top writers’ list. But none of it is important. What is, is what you learnt, who you created relationships with, why you’re still here.

So thank you for your transparency 🙏 this is the kind of posts that really help.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective and where you are in this journey. I think each of us has to figure out what our own personal goals are and what”success” looks like for each of us. I have these kinds of questions with myself and with my husband all the time. Because of my background in marketing, and because I have been able to grow very large audiences before, the numbers do matter, denying that would be wrong for me, but making an impact on my audience is also a big part of it.

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This are great honest insights. It's not easy and def not magic, I've muscled my way through to getting to a similar stage as you. But SEO, that's something I neglect so maybe I'm inspired to dig deeper to make my existing stuff go further. Andrew Smith is also kind of my founding friend here, and I found you through him, and we are all born on this platform around the same time. It's so good to see your growth ever-growing! I wrote a similar 1-year-in post if anyone wants to compare notes: https://sleepyhollowink.substack.com/p/hack-your-substack-10-tips. Congrats on all you've done, and acknowledging it's hard.

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“We cannot control outcomes.” This is wonderful advice and something I want to work hard to remember!

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I feel for you Kristi. I've been on Substack for over three years now, focusing mainly on the popular themes of writing and personal development, yet my growth hasn't been significant either. To be honest, I'd be ecstatic to receive even half the engagement you've garnered with this post in a month.

But here's the thing—I'm not disheartened. For me, Substack serves as a platform to pursue my true passion: writing books. Each week, I unveil a segment from the book I'm currently crafting, offering a glimpse into its ideas. This consistent posting schedule holds me accountable and ensures progress on my manuscript. Additionally, every quarter, I embark on a new book project. When your ultimate goal isn't contingent on platform metrics, subscriber counts become inconsequential.

So, let me pose this question to you: What's your ultimate objective? Are you aiming to empower individuals to break free from diet culture and embrace life fully? If so, consider penning a book and developing a corresponding program. Your efforts on Substack will serve as invaluable social proof, establishing your authority on the subject.

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Neera, you really got to the core of this. Are we just chasing metrics or do we have a larger mission? Last year, for me, I got too hung up on chasing metrics. I'm competitive by nature, and being a marketer profession, it was almost like too much temptation. I had to see if I could figure out the growth challenge. It was not good for my mental health, and frankly, I had to pull back on my investment in Almost Sated, so I could recenter myself and reassess priorities.

My intention was to write a book about what to expect in the first year of transitioning to intuitive eating, and then I got caught up in the growth piece, and it became distracting and derailing. I want to create content that helps people, that is the larger mission. I do intend to write the book, but I also made a deliberate decision, last week in fact, to table any more thinking on it until June, when time allows for me to reassess priorities.

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Love this

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I will wait for your book.

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Super informative thank you!

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Glad you found it helpful!

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Thanks for the post! Your point about not comparing yourself to the 15,000 folk when you start from 0 is salient. Even commenting on those high visibility posts has you feeling like a remora or barnacle.

Regarding the Substack experts, I often think that if everyone reads and "How to Write a Bestseller" genre... nobody writes best sellers. Or something like that. If it were "How to Win the NBA Draft," biology dictates I'd get nowhere.

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Yes!! I think “the experts” at all levels need to collectively do a better job of reminding people that growing takes time. It’s typically not overnight success, and especially not when staring from zero.

Also, you’re so right about everyone following the expert advice, especially on a place like Substack that’s still growing. There’s merit to zagging while everyone else is zigging.

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Very honest view. And sensitive.

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Great post. I am subscribing and going to follow your advise. I am new. I opened an account a few months back, had an injury, now I'd like to give it a go. Thank you!

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Please keep me updated on how it goes andwhat ends up working best for you.

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If anyone would like to know how to add 47 followers in 24 months , get with me…..😉

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Thank you for sharing your experience. One really cannot control the outcome.👌

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It's so true! The more I try to control outcomes, the worse they seem to get. Lol.

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I'I’m still at the beginning of my journey on Substack. Doing some of the things you mentioned and having similar results (i.e. no one really cares). ;) But that's ok. I'm learning a lot. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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